100 dreams fund 1df consumer insights eSports Niantic pokemon go re-engagement UGC Uncategorized user-generated content

BroadcastHer eSports to Pokemon Go 6′ Apart

1000 Dreams Fund for Girl Gamers to Catching Pokemon 6′ Apart

A video game marketing professional, I’ve been following both gaming and eSports.  Now, more than ever. Which video game studio is being agile and nimble?  How exactly is the video game industry transforming and adapting?  Dean Takahashi of Venturebeat just reported what we all suspected.  Newzoo had adjusted its 2020 eSports revenue down again. Again.  From a forecast of $1.1 billion pre-COVID in February, to $1.059 billion in April, again to $973.9 million in July, and now to $950.3 million.

With the pandemic raging still, the attendance of eSports events notwithstanding, along with sponsorship dollars and merchandise sales.  What’s the silver lining?

eSports Arena
Competitive eSports Arena

That the Video Game Industry and eSports  Are Positively Resilient

A shining example of agile evolving gameplay to accommodate social distancing?  Why, Niantic and Pokemon Go of course. COVID sucks.  Social distancing is unnatural.  Wearing masks everywhere is bothersome.  Not to mention people cannot see facial expressions, a fundamental way we communicate through body language. These suck.  Get it.

Let us check out all the different ways Pokemon Go had evolved the game.  And let us catch Pokemon, social distancing style.

Being able to raid remotely?  What!? But what about the designers and producers at Niantic?  They clearly understand consumer insights and player behavior.  Per Pokemon Go blog, “When possible, people are generally encouraged to spend time outside, go on walks, and exercise for their mental and physical health—all while social distancing and abiding by other health and safety recommendations.”

Pokemon Go ASO
Pokemon Go ASO App Store optimization social distancing style

And increased distance at which you can spin Photo Discs at Gyms and PokéStops?  Creative gameplay genius and problem solving.  But we’re not finished.

Appointment and Re-engagement Mechanic Grows Stickiness and Daily Lifestyle Behavior

Or three times the Stardust and XP for your first Pokémon catch of the day? We call it a player behavior-forming appointment mechanic.  Pokemon Go diehards can literally schedule their mornings around this to-do.  Check it off their to-do list.  Right alongside making coffee.  After going for a morning hike and feeding the dog.  You get the idea. Perfect re-engagement and retention mechanic.


100DreamFund BroadcastHer – Umm what’s THAT?

If you are not familiar with 100 Dream Fund, don’t feel bad.  I just learned about it tonight.  What does the headline say?

1,000 Dreams Fund Announces BroadcastHER Summit: First-Ever Virtual Summit for Women in Streaming and Gaming

1000 Dreams Fund is partnering with Twitch. The two-day virtual event will exclusively stream on 1DF’s Twitch Channel.  Featuring a diverse line-up of talented women content creators and industry thought leaders along with live performances by SavingMusicLIVE, a Twitch Channel devoted to supporting charity through music.

How does this work exactly?  1000 Dreams Fund helps young women in high school and college.  Anyone who has read my post about girl gamers know about the tremendous headway and progress of women in gaming.

1000 Dreams Fund Provides Micro-grants of up to $1000 to Help Young Creatives Realize Their Dreams

1000 Dream Fund eSports Girl Gamers Creatives Twitch
In partnership with Twitch, the two-day virtual event will exclusively stream on 1DF’s Twitch Channel, featuring a diverse line-up of talented women content creators and industry thought leaders along with live performances by SavingMusicLIVE, a Twitch Channel devoted to supporting charity through music.


Think $1000 micro-grants to help young women realize their dreams.  This event takes place on October 17 and 18. It empower women content creators and streamers.  What exactly is at stake?   Grants of up to $2000 to female broadcasters. for artistic expression.  Think user generated content (UGC) for mass consumption.  Representing female eSports players, champions and girl gamers everywhere.  Outside of those making video games, it’s the content creators who make the icing on the cake.

Like I said.  This video game and eSports industry are resilient.  When given lockdowns, Pokemon Go gives us all the fun, six feet apart, or from the comfort of home.  When the pandemic decimates in-person eSports tournaments, we have virtual events like BroadcastHER to celebrate.  Resilient.  Perseverance. Adaptability.  Personified…

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