About me
Michael S. Chang is a technology and video game product and marketing expert. Formerly Marketing Leader at Electronic Arts and RockYou and a Product and Marketing Executive at Autodesk, Citrix and Yahoo!, he is currently CEO and Founder of GrowTiGo, a marketing firm that helps game and technology startups achieve commercial success.
Chang earned his BS in Mechanical Engineering from U.C. Berkeley and MBA from the University of Southern California. He is the author of Video Game Careers Demystified: The Trifecta of Creators, Athletes, and Ecosystem in a Thriving Industry, an international best-seller in 14 categories on Amazon and Experts Cure, a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestseller. He lives with his family in San Ramon, CA and coaches his daughter’s youth lacrosse team, when not reimagining the convergence of games, entertainment and education.